Phishing emails are sent from criminals in an attempt to glean your identifying information to commit identity fraud, gather your financial information, and a whole host of other unsavory business. These criminals will attempt to fool you by disguising themselves as a trusted source, such as UnboxERP. Phishing emails will often encourage you to take some sort of action on your Dolibarr account like update your address or credit card number. Follow our phishing scam protection tips below to keep your information safe!
Phishing emails typically have links to sophisticated pages posing as legitimate site pages. These pages will usually pose as portals where you would supply sensitive information such as the official login page of your Dolibarr. However, these pages will instead send any and all information you have supplied on the page (such as your username and password) to those perpetrating the scam.
As frustrating as dealing with phishing attempts can be, it’s fortunately easy to verify legitimate attempts from those made by with nefarious intentions. Check out the tips below if you’re wondering whether or not you’ve received a legitimate email from UnboxERP:
If you’re ever in doubt, contact us! UnboxERP ’s staff is available to answer your questions, and this certainly includes account security questions as well as phishing scam protection. By following the tips listed above, you can keep your account safe. However, if you are still unsure about the legitimacy of an email that you have received, please feel free to contact our support team for verification.
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