Shopify Connector.     

FAQ Details

  • How can i Install the App?
  • What is the monthly fee for the app ?

    Monthly price of this app is USD $35/per month There is a 7-day free trial.

  • How to uninstall the Dolibarr Connector app?

    To uninstall the app, you need to remove the app from the "Apps" menu of your Shopify Store. Go to your Shopify store page. Visit the "Apps" section >> Click the "Delete" button to uninstall the Dolibarr Connector app.



  • What is the purpose that the app is solving ?

    Dolibarr connector perfectly provides seamless integration between Shopify and Dolibarr. With this app users will be able to synchronize all the products, customers (billing and shipping addresses), orders fulfillment, payment and much more.

  • How to Synchronize products, customers, orders etc. from Shopify to Dolibarr?

    In the app there are different sections for each like customers, product, order mapping and payment mapping. All of them can be synched by clicking on Sync option.

  • How are currency and taxes mapped / synchronized from shopify to Dolibarr?

    Currency and taxes are manually mapped from Shopify to Dolibarr. Payment method can be configured on the Shopify Module Setup.

  • In case I am facing any issue or difficulty with the app what can I do?

    In case of any issue or question with the app, feel free to mail your issue at or you can always raise a ticket at we will assist you .

  • In case I delete any product from the app, will it get deleted from Shopify as well?

      In case you delete any synchronized data from the app, it will also get deleted on Dolibarr.

  • How to sync automatically?

      Please go to the Shopify installation guide.